Get Bankruptcy Advice Even If You Have No Intention To File
Getting timely bankruptcy advice is helpful even if you have no intention to file for bankruptcy relief. If you are dealing with more than $ 10,000 in unsecured debt and want to know all of your options, a respected bankruptcy attorney should be the first financial adviser to call.
Which Debts To Pay First
Not all debts are created equal. Don’t waste your limited resources paying down credit card debt, when you need to keep current on your house mortgage and car loan. Prioritize your debts based on secured versus unsecured.
College Students And Overwhelming Credit Card Debt
Banks target college students and pay big money to get on college campuses. Buy now, pay later can appeal to a struggling student, but can often lead to overwhelming credit card debt.
“How Much Do You Charge To File Bankruptcy”
What does a Rhode Island Bankruptcy Cost? An experienced bankruptcy lawyer should quote you a fee tailored to the complexity of your case. There is no one-price-fits-all because every case is different. Be skeptical of any attorney who quotes you a fee without first taking the time to understand your situation.
Bankruptcy for RI Seniors
Bankruptcy Relief For RI Seniors “An increasing number of Americans aged 65 and older are declaring bankruptcy,” writes Reuters in a recent report. “Those aged 65 and older represented seven percent of bankruptcy filers in 2007, a mind-boggling jump from 1991. They are easily the ‘fastest-growing age demographic…’” The sad fact is that many older […]
Do Chapter 7 Debtors Have to go to RI Bankruptcy Court?
In most cases, debtors who file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy relief in Rhode Island, do not have to go the RI Bankruptcy Court. Instead, they attend a brief hearing known as a Section 341 meeting of creditors that typically lasts less than 5 minutes.
15 Ways To Prepare for Filing Bankruptcy in Rhode Island
RI Bankruptcy lawyer shares 15 ways to prepare for filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case in Rhode Island
Choosing the Best Rhode Island Bankruptcy Lawyer
The best RI bankruptcy lawyer devotes his practice exclusively to Rhode Island bankruptcy work, handles your case himself, provides good communication, and charges a fair fee.
Debt Settlement Plans: Part II
Debt settlement plans fail because they require unrealistic repayment terms. Contact a Rhode Island bankruptcy lawyer to understand all of your debt-relief options.